Planet B

Palais Thurn & Taxis and Magazin4, Bregenz
18 Jul – 5 Sep 2004

Otto Berchem, Madeleine Berkhemer, John Bock, Olaf Breuning, Ellen Cantor, Paul McCarthy & Mike Kelley, Mark Dean, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Brock Enright, Richard Grayson, Julian Hoeber, Ronnie van Hout, Cameron Jamie, Ed Johnson, Peter Land, Peter Lewis & Makiko Nagaya, Matt Marello, Russ Meyer, Raymond Pettibon, Richard Prince, Antoine Prum, Jim Shaw, Suzanne Treister, John Waters, Hans Weigand

Planet B: die Ästhetik des B-Movies in der zeitgenossischen Kunst, Magazin4 Bregenzer Kunstverein, ISBN 3-937577-53-X

exhibited works:




The Return of Jackie & Judy (+ Joey)





Jane/Fonda (Barbarella/Klute)


gallery information:

Planet B addresses the fantastic world of B-movies and their impact on contemporary artists. The exhibition is an homage to a genre that spans a wide array of productions ranging from sci-fi, horror and splatter movies to western and softporn flicks. 25 artists will attempt a survey of the rare and often trashy fundus of a pop-cultural phenomenon.